Saturday, January 30, 2016


SEO is pretty important when it comes to gaining rank and having a good website. If you know nothing about it, then you really need to find out as much information as you possibly can. Here are some powerful tips that can get you some search engine love if you work them:
1. Content is important – in fact it’s the KING. Google has been penalizing sites that don’t provide any value to visitors. Perfect example – the affiliate site which is a mirror of the product page and has duplicate content. Duplicate content will send your spiraling into oblivion if you had any decent rank at all to start with. Don’t copy and paste, don’t spin your content, write something of value.
2. Keywords Matter. If you have a website for your business, focus on using keyword phrases that include your locale. Example: Victoria Car Wash, instead of car wash. Car Wash  is too basic a term and does not specify any particular thing. You have no hope of getting any rank with a broad term such as that. A Geo-targeted keyword that includes the locale you want to target is your best bet.


3. Linking Back. Trying to Get Google’s spiders to crawl your site? You can submit a link to Google and ask for the crawl, but you won’t get any action for many long weeks. Instant results are possible if you can get a link back to your site from a quality site that is related to your site. In other words, if you have a website about dog food, don’t link to a site that sells baby clothing. Everything should be relevant on your site and sites that you link to.
4. NEVER over-stuff keywords. This used to work twenty years ago, but now it is bad, bad, bad. Search engines will actually penalize you for keyword stuffing and it is an out of date practice. Catch up to the new and current times with the concept of quality content.
5. Regular Update. SEO is not a set and forget process. Actually, it takes constant work, and the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Make a plan to add content once or twice a week if you have time, it only takes about 20 minutes to add a great post.
6. Domain Registration. When you register a domain name, consider NOT using the option to block the information about yourself owning a site. Search engines can detect this and might consider you a spammer, which is the worst possible thing that can happen to your site.
7. SEO in a nutshell: content, links, reputation and popularity. These all play an important part in your search engine ranking.
8. Quality Linkage. Avoid paying for thousands of poor quality back-links. What you need is good quality links. Search for blogs that have similar content to yours and make quality comments (the give) and leave your link (the take).
These are a few basic tips, but there are plenty of ideas and tips out there. The main idea is to keep an open mind and read as much as you can. SEO is always evolving and the best way to keep up with it is to keep adding quality content!